


注意:保存之后,你必须清除浏览器缓存才能看到做出的更改。Google ChromeFirefoxMicrosoft EdgeSafari:按住⇧ Shift键并单击工具栏的“刷新”按钮。参阅Help:绕过浏览器缓存以获取更多帮助。


// TODO: speed idea: grab the wikicode, analyze that, and only add CSS rules for matches found in wikicode

var sources = 
{"preprint":["aasopenresearch.org","agrirxiv.org","amrcopenresearch.org","arabixiv.org","arXiv","arxiv.org","authorea.com","beilstein-archives.org","biohackrxiv.org","bioRxiv","biorxiv.org","chemrxiv.org","chinaxiv.org","cogprints.org","crimrxiv.com","eartharxiv.org","ecoevorxiv.org","ecsarxiv.org","edarxiv.org","engrxiv.org","eprint.iacr.org","eprints.rclis.org","essoar.org","f1000research.com","frenxiv.org","gatesopenresearch.org","hal-hprints.archives-ouvertes.fr","hal.archives-ouvertes.fr","hrbopenresearch.org","indiarxiv.in","info.africarxiv.org","lawarxiv.info","lissarchive.org","mediarxiv.com","medRxiv","medrxiv.org","mindrxiv.org","osf.io","paleorxiv.org","peerj.com","philsci-archive.pitt.edu","precedings.nature.com","preprints.apsanet.org","preprints.arphahub.com","preprints.jmir.org","Preprints.org","preprints.org","preprints.ru","preprints.scielo.org","psyarxiv.com","qeios.com","repec.org","ResearchGate","researchgate.net","researchsquare.com","Social Science Research Network","sportrxiv.org","ssrn.com","techrxiv.org","thelancet.com","vixra.org","wellcomeopenresearch.org","zenodo.org"],







/** CAREFUL. This is case sensitive. */
function deleteAll(...strings) {
	for ( let string of strings ) {
		for ( let key in sources ) {
			sources[key] = deleteFromArray(string, sources[key]);

function deleteFromArray(needle, haystack) {
	const index = haystack.indexOf(needle);
	if (index > -1) {
		haystack.splice(index, 1);
	return haystack;

// if config variables aren't set in user's common.js file, set it to default
if ( window.citeHighlighterHighlightEverything === undefined ) {
	window.citeHighlighterHighlightEverything = false;
if ( window.citeHighlighterLighterColors === undefined ) {
	window.citeHighlighterLighterColors = false;
if ( window.citeHighlighterAlwaysHighlightSourceLists === undefined ) {
	window.citeHighlighterAlwaysHighlightSourceLists = false;

if( jQuery !== undefined && mediaWiki !== undefined ) {
	mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util','mediawiki.Uri', 'mediawiki.Title'], function() {
		// wikilink every citation's publisher/journal. the highlighter only works on wikilinks at the moment, not plain text, so this drastically increases the # of cites that get highlighted
		// jquery foreach ( li[id^="cite_note-"] i )
			// if ( ! innerHTML.startsWith('<a') )
				// .replace(/^/, '<a href="">');
				// .replace(/$/, '</a>');
			// }
		// }
		// don't highlight certain pages, for speed and visual appearance reasons.
		// on pages with a lot of links (watchlist, WP:FA), highlighting EVERYTHING will double the load time. e.g. watchlist 5 seconds -> 10 seconds
		let articleTitle = mw.config.get('wgPageName');
		if (
			mw.config.get('wgAction') == 'history' ||
			articleTitle == 'Main_Page' ||
			articleTitle == 'Wikipedia:Featured_articles' ||
			articleTitle == 'Special:Watchlist'
		) {
		// if page is a source quality list, highlight everything, even if highlightEverything = false; goal: easily see if the script is highlighting anything wrong
		if ( window.citeHighlighterAlwaysHighlightSourceLists == true) {
			let highlightEverythingList = [
			if ( highlightEverythingList.includes(articleTitle) ) {
				window.citeHighlighterHighlightEverything = true;
		// if page is a draft, highlight everything, as the # of links is small, and oftentimes inline citations are malformed
		if ( mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 118 ) {
			window.citeHighlighterHighlightEverything = true;
		// if highlightEverything = true, delete wikipedia.org and wiktionary. Too many false positives.
		if ( window.citeHighlighterHighlightEverything ) {
			deleteAll('en.wikipedia.org', 'wikipedia.org', 'wiktionary.org');
		let colors = {
			// order of these first 3 fixes an issue where published academic papers were being colored preprint red
			// lowest priority
			'preprint':		'lightcoral',
			'doi':			'transparent',
			'medrs': 		'limegreen',
			'green': 		'lightgreen',
			'yellow': 		'khaki',
			'red': 			'lightcoral',
			//'aggregator':	'plum',	// turning off aggregator for now, red/yellow/green is nice and simple, purple makes the color scheme more complicated
			// highest priority
		if ( window.citeHighlighterLighterColors ) {
			colors = {
				'preprint':		'#ffcfd5',
				'doi':			'transparent',
				'medrs': 		'#63ff70',
				'green': 		'#a6ffb9',
				'yellow': 		'#ffffcc',
				'red': 			'#ffcfd5',
		for ( let key in colors ) {
			mw.util.addCSS('.cite-highlighter-' + key + ' {background-color: ' + colors[key] + ';}');
		let source2;
		for ( let color in colors ) {
			for ( let source of sources[color] ) {
				// [title="source" i]... the "i" means case insensitive. Default is case sensitive.
				// highlight external links, if it contains a period and no space (i.e. a domain name)
				if ( source.includes('.') && ! source.includes(' ') ) {
					//$('li[id^="cite_note-"]:has(a[href*="/'+source+'" i])').style('background-color: '+colors[color]+';}');
					//$('li[id^="cite_note-"]:has(a[href*=".'+source+'" i])').style('background-color: '+colors[color]+';}');
					// highlight whole cite
					// [title="source" i]... the "i" part is not working in :has() for some reason
					// use .toLowerCase() for now
					// using .addClass() instead of .css() or .attr('style') because I'm having issues getting medrs to override arXiv/Wikidata/other red sources
					$('li[id^="cite_note-"]').has('a[href*="/'+source.toLowerCase()+'"]').addClass('cite-highlighter-' + color);
					$('li[id^="cite_note-"]').has('a[href*=".'+source.toLowerCase()+'"]').addClass('cite-highlighter-' + color);
					if ( window.citeHighlighterHighlightEverything ) {
						// highlight external link only
						// !important; needed for highlighting PDF external links. otherwise the HTML that generates the PDF icon has higher specificity, and makes it transparent
						mw.util.addCSS('#bodyContent a[href*="/'+source+'" i] {background-color: '+colors[color]+' !important;}');
						mw.util.addCSS('#bodyContent a[href*=".'+source+'" i] {background-color: '+colors[color]+' !important;}');
				// TODO: check journals and publishers in cites, highlight based on that
				// li[id^="cite_note-"]:has(.cite > a > i)
				// foreach ( cite )
					// let publisher = cite.something();
					// if ( sources.includes(publisher) ) {
						// cite.css('background-color', color);
					// }
				// }
				// highlight wikilinks
				// assumes input is stripped of starting "the" at beginning of link
				if ( window.highlightEverything ) {
					// highlight wikilink without "the"
					mw.util.addCSS('#bodyContent [title="'+source+'" i] {background-color: '+colors[color]+';}');
					// highlight wikilink with "the"
					mw.util.addCSS('#bodyContent [title="The '+source+'" i] {background-color: '+colors[color]+';}');
					// highlight wikilink with "&"
					if ( source.match(/ [Aa]nd /) ) {
						source2 = source.replace(/ [Aa]nd /g, ' & ');
						mw.util.addCSS('#bodyContent [title="'+source2+'" i] {background-color: '+colors[color]+';}');
					// highlight wikilink with "and"
					if ( source.match(/ & /) ) {
						source2 = source.replace(/ & /g, ' and ');
						mw.util.addCSS('#bodyContent [title="'+source2+'" i] {background-color: '+colors[color]+';}');
