


英国 This is the catalogue of tools which I manage.

中国 本页是本人管理的工具目录。

Wikitext代码高亮 Wikitext Highlight[编辑]

英国 Some users reported that this JavaScript often loads slowly or even fails currently. Since the official Wikitext highlight function is available and running properly, I recommend you using the official one to replace this tool. In order to replace, please delete importScript('User:ArthurLau1997/工具/WikitextHighlight.js'); in your own common.js page and click the marker pen button in the sourse editor. I would not delete the page of this JavaScript. So it is still available to use. If there is any major change which may influnce using, I will inform you at remarkable palce on my userpage.
中国 近一段时间,我自己和其他用户均发现此代码高亮插件加载速度慢且有相当大的概率加载不出。同时,因为中文维基百科的代码高亮功能已经集成在源代码编辑器中且使用体验较好,因此建议各位改用该功能。启动官方版的方法是源代码编辑框上左侧的记号笔图标,从您的common.js中删去importScript('User:ArthurLau1997/工具/WikitextHighlight.js');即可关闭本插件。目前我不会将本插件的页面删除,它依然能够使用。如果有影响使用的重大改动我将会在我的用户页的显著位置告知。