


“行动应用程式”是一种被设计运行在如智慧型手机平板电脑行动装置上的电脑程式。大部分这类装置贩买时会绑定很多应用程式作为预先安装的软体英语Pre-installed software,如网页浏览器电子邮件用户端日历软体英语Calendaring software、地图程式还有行动音乐英语buying music或其他媒体或更多应用程式。有些预先安装的软体可以被普通的解除安装处理程序移除,因此可以留下更多储存空间给想要的软体。某些不允许移除的软体上,有些装置可以被rooted来消除不想要的应用程式。



非预先安装的软体经常是由被称为应用程式商店英语app store的分销平台取得。这些分销平台在2008年开始出现,且经常由行动作业系统的拥有者所经营,如苹果的App StoreGoogle PlayWindows商店,以及黑莓世界。有些应用程式是免费的而其他必须要购买。通常,这些应用程式是从这些平台被下载到目标装置,而有时候也可以从笔记型电脑桌上型电脑上下载。对于那些要钱的应用程式,通常有20%至30%的价钱会流向分销供应商(如iTunes),剩下的则归该应用程式的制造者所有[1]因此同样的应用程式会因不同的行动平台而有不同价钱。

app这个词是“应用程式软体”(application software)的缩写。已经变得非常受风行,在2010年也被美国方言协会英语American Dialect Society[2]列为 “年度之字英语Word of the year” 在2009年, 科技专栏作家戴维·伯格曾说更新的智慧型手机可以被称为“应用程式手机”(app phones),以和早期的较不复杂的智慧型手机区别。[3]

行动应用程式原本是用来提供一般性的产量及资讯取得,包含电子邮件、电子日历英语calendar、联系、股票市场以及天气资讯。然而,大众需求以及开发者工具的可取得性驱动了其他种类的迅速扩展,如那些桌面应用程式所负责的组件。如同其他软体,应用程式在数量及种类上的暴增使探索成为一项挑战,也接著导致广泛审查、建议、策展源包括部落格、杂志以及专门的线上应用程式探索服务的产生。在2014年政府监管机关开始尝试规范及筛选应用程式,特别是医疗相关的应用程式。[4]有些公司因为其相对于官方网页的优势而提供应用程式作为发表内容(媒体)英语content (media)的替代方案。[5]

行动应用程式的运用在行动电话使用者中已经越来越普遍。[6]2012年5月一项在comScore英语comScore的研究指出,在上一季期间,更多行动订阅者使用应用程式而不是在他们的装置浏览网页,分别是:51.1%比49.8%。[7] Researchers found that usage of mobile apps strongly correlates with user context and depends on user's location and time of the day.[8]

市场研究公司高德纳谘询公司预测,在2013年,将有1020亿个应用程式将被下载(91%为免费),这在美国将会创造$260亿,高达2012年44.4%的$180亿[9] By Q2 2015, the Google Play and Apple stores alone generated $5 billion.[10] An analyst report estimates that the app economy creates revenues of more than 10 billion per year within the European 1Union, while over 529,000 jobs have been created in 28 EU states due to the growth of the app market.[11]





行动使用者介面(UI)设计也非常重要。行动使用者介面考虑限制及环境、萤幕、输入及机动性作为设计上的概观。使用者经常专注在与装置的互动,而介面意指兼含软体及硬体两者的元件。使用者输入允许使用者操控一个系统,使用者输出允许系统显示由于使用者操作所造成的影响。行动 UI 设计的限制包含有限的专注及样式因素,如行动装置为使用者的手考虑的萤幕尺寸。行动UI背景讯号是从user activity来呼叫,例如从行动应用程式内的使用者互动可以显示的位置以及调度。总而言之,行动UI的设计目标基本上就是一个易懂、方便使用者的介面。

行动UI或前端主要仰赖行动后端来支援企业系统的存取。行动后端促进了档案路由、安全性、认证、授权、离线工作及服务编排。这个功能是由中介软体组件包括应用程式伺服器行动后端即为服务英语Mobile Backend as a service(MBaaS)服务导向架构基础架构混合而成。


两个最大的应用程式商店英语app store分别是Android系统的Google PlayiOS系统的App Store (iOS)

Google Play[编辑]

Google Android OS中的apps

Google Play(原名Android Market)是Google为了Android装置所开发的线上国际软体商店,在2008年10月成立。[13]2014年8月,约有130多万的Android应用程式可以取得。[14] 且据估计约有400亿的应用程式下载次数。2013年7月,在超过100万种透过Google Play下载的应用程式中,下载次数已超过500亿。[15] 截至2015年2月,根据《Statista.com》,可取得的应用程式数量超过了140万。

App Store[编辑]

苹果公司用于iOS的应用程式商店并不是第一个应用程式分销服务,但他引发了行动革命,在2008年7月10号成立,而到2011年1月据回报已经有超过10亿的下载量。起始的应用程式商店英语App Store首先在1993年由杰西泰勒在NeXTWorld Expo[16]展示给Steve Jobs。截至2011年6月6号,已有425000个可取得的应用程式以及2000万的iOS使用者在下载。[17][18] During Apple's 2012 Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced that the App Store has 650,000 available apps to download as well as 30 billion apps downloaded from the app store until that date.[19] From an alternative perspective, figures seen in July 2013 by the BBC from tracking service Adeven indicate over two-thirds of apps in the store are "zombies", barely ever installed by consumers.[20]


  • Amazon Appstore is an alternative application store for the Android operating system. It was opened in March 2011, with 3800 applications.[21] The Amazon Appstore's Android Apps can also run on BlackBerry 10 devices.
  • BlackBerry World is the application store for BlackBerry 10 and BlackBerry OS devices. It opened in April 2009 as BlackBerry App World. BlackBerry 10 users can also run Android apps.
  • Ovi (Nokia) for Nokia phones was launched internationally in May 2009. In May 2011, Nokia announced plans to rebrand its Ovi product line under the Nokia brand[22] and Ovi Store was renamed Nokia Store in October 2011.[23] Nokia Store will no longer allow developers to publish new apps or app updates for its legacy Symbian and MeeGo operating systems from January 2014.[24]
  • Windows Phone Store was introduced by Microsoft for its Windows Phone platform, which was launched in October 2010. 截至2012年10月 (2012-10), it has over 120,000 apps available.[25]
  • Windows Store was introduced by Microsoft for its Windows 8 and Windows RT platforms. While it can also carry listings for traditional desktop programs certified for compatibility with Windows 8, it is primarily used to distribute "Windows Store apps"—which are primarily built for use on tablets and other touch-based devices (but can still be used with a keyboard and mouse, and on desktop computers and laptops).[26][27]
  • Samsung Apps was founded in September 2009.[28] As of October 2011, Samsung Apps reached 10 million downloads. The store is available in 125 countries and it offers apps for Windows Mobile, Android and Bada platforms.
  • The Electronic AppWrapper was the first electronic distribution service to collectively provide encryption and purchasing electronically[29]
  • There are many other independent app stores for Android devices.


No matter what store, app discoverability became more difficult in the 2010s. Organic downloads from the app stores were mainly attributed to App Store Optimization. However, given the increasing competition, app publishers must invest in mobile marketing campaigns to build and retain their user base. Many mobile apps include a special Software development kit that will assist them in tracking installs from various ad networks.

Enterprise management[编辑]

Mobile application management (MAM) describes software and services responsible for provisioning and controlling access to internally developed and commercially available mobile apps used in business settings. The strategy is meant to off-set the security risk of a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) work strategy. When an employee brings a personal device into an enterprise setting, mobile application management enables the corporate IT staff to transfer required applications, control access to business data, and remove locally cached business data from the device if it is lost, or when its owner no longer works with the company. Containerization is an alternate BYOD security solution. Rather than controlling an employees entire device, containerization apps create isolated and secure pockets separate from all personal data. Company control of the device only extends to that separate container.[30]

App Wrapping vs. Native App Management[编辑]

Especially when employees "bring your own device", mobile apps can be a significant security risk for businesses, because they transfer unprotected sensitive data to the Internet without knowledge and consent of the users. Reports of stolen corporate data show how quickly corporate and personal data can fall into the wrong hands. Data theft is not just the loss of confidential information, but makes companies vulnerable to attack and blackmail.[31]

Professional Mobile Application Management helps companies protect their data. One option for securing corporate data is app wrapping. But there also are some disadvantages like copyright infringement or the loss of warranty rights. Functionality, productivity and user experience are particularly limited under app wrapping. The policies of a wrapped app can't be changed. If required, it must be recreated from scratch, adding cost. [32][33]

Alternatively, it is possible to offer native apps securely through Enterprise mobility management without limiting the native user experience. This enables more flexible IT management as apps can be easily implemented and policies adjusted at any time.[34]

See also[编辑]


  1. ^ Siegler, MG. Analyst: There’s a great future in iPhone apps. Venture Beat. June 11, 2008. 
  2. ^ "App" voted 2010 word of the year by the American Dialect Society (UPDATED) American Dialect Society. Americandialect.org. 2011-01-08 [2012-01-28]. 
  3. ^ Pogue, David. A Place to Put Your Apps. New York Times. November 4, 2009 [January 22, 2013]. 
  4. ^ Yetisen, A. K., Martinez-Hurtado, J. L., et al (2014). The regulation of mobile medical applications. Lab on a Chip, 14(5), 833-840. dx.doi.org/10.1039/C3LC51235E
  5. ^ Mobile Website vs. Mobile App (Application) – Which is Best for Your Organization?. hswsolutions.com. [2015-08-26]. 
  6. ^ Ludwig, Sean. December 5, 2012. venturebeat.com, study: "Mobile app usage grows 35%, TV & web not so much"
  7. ^ Perez, Sarah. July 2, 2012. "comScore: In U.S. Mobile Market, Samsung, Android Top The Charts; Apps Overtake Web Browsing." techcrunch.com
  8. ^ Matthias Böhmer, Brent Hecht, Johannes Schöning, Antonio Krüger, and Gernot Bauer. 2011. Falling asleep with Angry Birds, Facebook and Kindle: a large scale study on mobile app usage. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI '11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 47-56.
  9. ^ Mobile apps revenues tipped to reach $26bn in 2013. The Guardian. 11 October 2013 [19 September 2013]. 
  10. ^ The Millionaires Index. Pollen VC Insights. [2015-11-23]. 
  11. ^ VisionMobile, Plum Consulting, "European App Economy" analyst report, September 2013
  12. ^ Mobile Application Development Guidelines. by hitech. 2013-11-14 [2011-04-05]. 
  13. ^ Chu, Eric. Android Market Update Support. 13 February 2009. 
  14. ^ Patel, Jay. 1.5 Million Apps are Live on The Google Play Store - WhaTech. www.whatech.com. [2015-08-18]. 
  15. ^ The Future of Mobile Application. UAB. [11 November 2015]. 
  16. ^ Carey, Richard. Electronic Recollections, By Ricard Carey. AppStorey. 
  17. ^ 10 Billion App Countdown. Apple. 2011-01-14. 
  18. ^ Rao, Leena. Apple's App Store Crosses 15B App Downloads, Adds 1B Downloads In Past Month. TechCrunch. AOL Inc. July 7, 2011. 
  19. ^ Indvik, Lauren. App Store Stats: 400 Million Accounts, 650,000 Apps. Mashable. June 11, 2012. 
  20. ^ bbc.co.uk
  21. ^ Amazon Appstore: Android. SigitArinto.com. 2011-03-22 [2011-04-05]. 
  22. ^ The evolution of Nokia and Ovi | Nokia Conversations — The official Nokia Blog. Conversations.nokia.com. [2011-08-25]. 
  23. ^ Fraser, Adam. Ovi Store renamed as Nokia Store, now built using Qt. Conversations by Nokia, official Nokia blog. Nokia. 10 October 2011 [25 May 2012]. 
  24. ^ Changes to supported content types in the Nokia Store. The Nokia Developer Team. October 4, 2013 [November 12, 2013]. 
  25. ^ Arghire, Ionut. Windows Phone Store Has 120,000 Apps Now, More to Come. Softpedia. SoftNews NET SRL. 30 October 2012 [29 November 2012]. 
  26. ^ Miller, Michael. Build: More Details On Building Windows 8 Metro Apps. PC Magazine. September 14, 2011 [February 10, 2012]. 
  27. ^ Rosoff, Matt. Here's Everything You Wanted To Know About Microsoft's Upcoming iPad Killers. Business Insider. [February 10, 2012]. 
  28. ^ Basic Information about Samsung Apps Store. content.samsung.com. [2013-03-06]. 
  29. ^ Wyatt, Robert A. Software Shop. Wired. Wired Magazine. 
  30. ^ Taware, Varun. Containerization is a winning strategy for smarter BYOD management. Betanews. [11 November 2015]. 
  31. ^ Alan Hartwell, Trust, company culture and BYOD security. SC Magazine UK, 2015-1-20. Retrieved February 13, 2015.
  32. ^ AVERAGE COST TO DEVELOP A MOBILE APP - Retrieved April 3, 2015 by Muhammad Usman
  33. ^ Subbu Lyer, 5 things you no longer need to do for mobile security. Network World, 2014-7-7. Retrieved February 13, 2015.
  34. ^ Simon Yates, Chri Hazelton, Enterprise IT Spotlight: enterprise mobility management. 451 research, 2014-9-12. Retrieved February 13, 2015.

External links[编辑]