





儘管當時韓國軍隊人數以及武器配備較北韓優勝,但兩韓還是再在越南戰爭中投入了大量的人力物力支援各自的意識形態盟友 。而早在1954年,當時的韓國總統李承晚表示願意派軍隊到越南,但他的建議被美國國務院拒絕了 ,首批踏上越南土地的韓國人,已經是10年後的一群非戰鬥人員:34名軍官、96名韓國軍隊的醫療兵以及十名跆拳道教練。 [5]總體而言,由1965年1973年,312853 名韓國士兵在越南打過仗,越南官方估計他們殺了41,400名 北越軍隊士兵和 5000名平民;韓國軍隊還在戰爭時利用兩韓語言相同的特點,成功擾亂了支援北越的朝鮮士兵及其盟友。但是他們亦被控干犯戰爭罪行,以及遺下為數不少的韓越混血的子女在越南。[5] [6]

由於南韓軍隊出兵支援南越,1966年10月朝鮮勞動黨決定於1967初,派遣北韓一個戰鬥機連隊到北越支援越共的第921和923戰鬥來鞏固河內的防衛,到1968年左右,已有200名飛行員在此服役。 [6] 此外,至少有兩個對空砲兵團也派遣於此,北韓也運送了武器軍火和二百萬套的軍服給在北越的同志。[7]而時任北韓領導人的金日成隊飛行員進行喊話,稱"fight in the war as if the Vietnamese sky were their own".[8][9][10]

In 2003, readers of South Korean newspaper Hankyoreh, which ran a series of articles exposing atrocities committed by South Korean troops during the war, donated over US$100,000 to set up a memorial park and peace museum in Phu Yen Province.[11] Former South Korean soldiers such as Ahn Jung-hyo and Hwang Suk-young have also written novels about their experiences in Vietnam.[5]



Four years after the 1992 normalisation of diplomatic ties, South Korea was already annually conducting $1.3 billion of trade with Vietnam, making them Vietnam's third-largest trading partner; they were also the fourth-largest foreign investor after Taiwan, Japan, and Hong Kong, having put $1.987 billion into Vietnam.[3] The pace of their investment roughly doubled over the next ten years; in the first five months of 2006, new South Korean investment in Vietnam totalled to around $400 million, and roughly one thousand Korean companies had operations in the country.[12]

Following along with the investment dollars, the South Korean expatriate community in Vietnam has grown significantly. According to Chang Keun Lee of the Korean Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Vietnam, Koreans formed the country's second-largest group of expatriates, with only the Taiwan expatriate community being larger; he estimated that half lived in Ho Chi Minh City.[12] Statistics from South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade show that their population has grown by nearly fifty times in little more than a decade. Their population more than trebled from 1,788 in 1997 to 6,226 in 2003, then jumped to more than thirteen times that size—84,566—by just six years later.[13][1] The country's first school for South Korean nationals, the weekend Hanoi Hangul School, was founded on 1 March, 1996, enrolling 122 students at the kindergarten through middle school levels); two Korean day schools were also later established, one in Ho Chi Minh City (founded 4 August, 1998, enrolling 745 students at the kindergarten through high school levels), and a smaller one in Hanoi (founded 13 July, 2006, with 63 elementary-level students).[14][15][16]


由於越南山少的地形,在2004年以前,數以千計的脫北者跨 越越南北部的邊界尋找前往韓國的路線,因此越南被描述為脫北者的「首選東南亞逃走路線」。儘管越南在名義上仍處於共產陣營,並與北韓處於友好邦交狀態;但近幾年由於南韓的投資不斷上升,越南往往默許脫北難民從其轉移到首爾

The increased South Korean presence in the country also proved a magnet for defectors; four of the biggest defector safehouses in Vietnam were run by South Korean expatriates, and many defectors indicated that they chose to try to cross the border from China into Vietnam precisely because they had heard about such safehouses.[4] In July 2004, 468 North Korean refugees were airlifted to South Korea in the single largest mass defection; Vietnam initially tried to keep their role in the airlift secret, and in advance of the deal, even anonymous sources in the South Korean government would only tell reporters that the defectors came from "an unidentified Asian country".[17] Following the airlift, Vietnam would tighten up border controls and deport several safe-house operators.[4]


不少的韓國人會到越南找新娘,而當地有大約 2000 至 3000 家婚姻介紹所為此列人服務。起初在1990年代,娶越南新娘的主要都是韓國農民,爾後,跨國婚姻介紹機構亦為城市的韓國人'

Many South Korean men come to Vietnam seeking to find wives, as customers of the two to three thousand South Korean marriage agencies which specialise in making such matches. Though in the 1990s, most were farmers, an increasing number of urban men have also resorted to arranging marriages through international matchmaking agencies; they cite the difficulty faced by uneducated men or those with low incomes in attracting South Korean women to marry them.[18] As of 2006, as many as 5,000 Vietnamese brides left with new South Korean husbands every year.[12]



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 재외동포현황 - 아시아 (Status of overseas compatriots - Asia), Overseas Korean Foundation, 2005 [2008-09-10] 
  2. ^ Ku, Su-Jeong, The secret tragedy of Vietnam, The Hankyoreh, 1999-09-02 [2007-03-27] 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Balfour, Frederik, Vietnam a Strategic Choice, International Herald Tribune, 1996-09-16 [2007-03-27] 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Perilous Journeys; The Plight of North Koreans in China and Beyond (PDF), The Nautilus Institute, 2006-10-26 [2007-03-27] 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Kagan, Richard C., Disarming Memories: Japanese, Korean, and American Literature on the Vietnam War, Critical Asian Studies, 2000, 32 (4) [2008-12-02]  已忽略未知參數|month=(建議使用|date=) (幫助)
  6. ^ Bennett, Richard M., Missiles and madness, Asia Times, 2006-08-18 [2007-03-27] 
  7. ^ Pribbenow, Merle, The 'Ology War: technology and ideology in the defense of Hanoi, 1967, Journal of Military History, 2003, 67 (1): 183 
  8. ^ Gluck, Caroline, N Korea admits Vietnam war role, BBC News, 2001-07-27 [2007-03-27] 
  9. ^ North Korea fought in Vietnam War, BBC News, 2000-03-31 [2007-03-27] 
  10. ^ North Korea honours Vietnam war dead, BBC News, 2001-07-12 [2006-10-19] 
  11. ^ Arthurs, Clare, South Koreans atone for Vietnam War, BBC News, 2003-01-21 [2007-03-27] 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Kelly, Tim, Ho Chi Minh Money Trail, Forbes, 2006-09-18 [2007-03-27] 
  13. ^ 引用錯誤:沒有為名為MOFAT的參考文獻提供內容
  14. ^ Overseas Korean Educational Institutions: 하노이한글학교. National Institute for International Education Development, Republic of Korea. 2007 [2007-05-15]. 
  15. ^ 호치민시한국학교, Overseas Korean Educational Institutions ([失效連結][http://scholar.google.co.uk/ olar?hl=en&lr=&q=intitle%3AOverseas+Korean+Educational+Institutions&as_publication=&as_ylo=&as_yhi=&btnG=Search Scholar search]), Republic of Korea: National Institute for International Education Development, 2007 [2007-05-15]  參數|format=值左起第223位存在換行符 (幫助)
  16. ^ 하노이한국학교, Overseas Korean Educational Institutions ([失效連結]Scholar search), Republic of Korea: National Institute for International Education Development, 2007 [2007-05-15] 
  17. ^ Hundreds of North Koreans to enter South, reports say, Associated Press, 2004-07-23 [2007-03-27] 
  18. ^ Onishi, Norimitsu, Marriage brokers in Vietnam cater to S. Korean bachelors, International Herald Tribune, 2007-02-21 [2007-03-27] 
